Business Consultancy
We recognise that you need the right expert for where you are to maximise the value you can get from Hunter Mahan Holdings.
Business Consultancy
Hunter Mahan Holdings can help in improving business performance. Our team is made up of highly experienced professionals based all over the UK specialising in a multitude of disciplines. We’re passionate about growth and will help you do whatever it takes to fulfill your potential – from planning and strategy to cultural and organisational development.

Our board has its own track record of success which is proven to take entities from startup through to successful exit.
Key points
Cashflow / Liquidity

Cash flow is the movement of money in and out of a company. Cash received signifies in flows, and cash spent signifies outflows. The cash flow statement is a financial statement that reports on a company's sources and usage of cash over some time.

Accounting Services

Understanding you and your business allows us to recommend a partner to work with you to make informed decisions on your accounting, tax and business advice.  Services include: Accounting & Business Services, Auditing, Banking & Restructuring, Bookkeeping, Cloud Accounting, Payroll &Personal & Corporate Tax Advisory.

Operational Management

Operations management is the administration of business operations within an organization to achieve the best quality products and services. It is, therefore, involved with the most effective conversion of materials and labour into products and services to maximise an organisation's profitability.


Compliance means that a company adheres to the applicable rules and laws. This includes both country specific laws and requirements from the regulatory authorities as well as internal company directives. A range of tools and process can be implemented and used by a company to bring about good compliance

Leadership Management

Organisational design is the process of aligning the structure of an organisation with its objectives, with the ultimate aim of improving efficiency and effectiveness. Work can be triggered by the need to improve service delivery or specific business processes, or as a result of a new mandate.

Organisational Design

Grant Funding means any funding or other aid or assistance from any central, state, or local government body or authority, any statutory undertaking, any other public body or authority, or any other body funded by public money.

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